Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Positive thoughts...

Spring finally appears to be here!
We talked about feeling positive at the writing group, about all of the things that make our lives good, these poems came as a result of our discussion and after watching a short film about tai chi.

Take a deep breath,
feel euphoric,
I have friends.
Breath out,
feel positive,
concentrate on my health,
know I will feel content
Feel secure because of family,
relax knowing that friends
make me joyous.

Take a beep breath,
feel overjoyed
I have my sister.
Breathe out,
feel happy
I have my dog.
Concentrate on support,
know that I feel safe.
Feel brilliant
because of going on holiday.
Relax knowing
my friends make me happy.


  1. Excuse my haste, but time is running out.

    Personal announcement!

    My Poetry:


    My Philosophy:


    My Art


    -Best wishes,
    Peter Ingestad, Sweden

  2. I like reading your poem. It reminds me so much about the important things of life. Keep up the great work guys!!!


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